Design files

Created: 2020-05-06 12:31:56 Last modified: 2020/05/06 13:08:29

Table of contents

This document described how to download or create a design file that can be used as an input in human_genomics_pipeline and vcf_annotation_pipeline when analysing whole exome sequencing data (WES). Such files record which regions were targeted by whole exome sequencing. This can speed up the analyses in these genomic pipelines by providing known genomic intervals to analyse.

Agilent SureSelect capture kits

Design files for WES generated with the Agilent capture kit can be downloaded or created using SureDesign

First create an account with SureSelect (help with using this resource can be found here) and log in.

Download existing design files

Further help can be found here

Create a design file

Further help can be found here